Milton® Precision Lubricator Systems
Lubrication elements, truly are a key factor in ensuring consistent operation of the tools. It adds a set quantity of oil into the compressed air system reducing moving component friction.
Pressurized air is introduced and guided through the body where it turns into a smooth aerosol proving the needed lubrication to the working tools. This is critical to air tool life extension.
• Sight glass dome on drip type allows observation for instant drip rate adjustment
• Tamper proof
• Lubricator may be filled without shutting down line pressure
• Oil supply tube check valve guarantees INSTANT START-UP LUBRICATION
• Low pressure drip at full air flow
• Oil delivered at an air flow as low as 2 SCFM
• Safety bowl guards or metal bowls
• All lubricators are drip type except the 1” which is a wick type